An overview over some different space characters for use in code. Helpful when setting and designing microtypography.

Name Unicode HTML CSS Alias
Hair space [ ] U+200A   \200A
Thin space [ ] U+2009   \2009
Third space [ ] U+2004   \2004 Three-per-em space, thick space
En space [ ] U+2002   \2002
Em space [ ] U+2003   \2003
Non-breaking space [ ] U+00A0   \00A0
Zero-width space [​] U+200B &#x200b; \200B Same as <wbr>, ‘breaking non-space’

See also Detail in Typography by Jost Hochuli, typography.


Arrows and punctuation marks

Name Unicode HTML CSS Alias
Right arrow [→] U+2192 &rarr; \2192
Down arrow [↓] U+2193 &darr; \2193