What is this website?

This notes sections of this website is designed and developed as a tool to aid reflection, thinking and creation of new ideas, based on a corpus of notes on different subjects.

Some people call this kind of website a digital garden, a great starting point for provoking emergence.

It is an attempt at creating meaning from, and giving meaning to, information.

Links are first class citizens here, both the human-authored and the computer generated ones. They are what carry you from one piece of information to the next.

It is based on a simple file structure of relatively plain markdown files.

Data is occasionally stored in front matter, a good example is the lang attribute. The default language for my notes are English, but around one third of the time I write in Norwegian, when these are ready to become public, I insert the lang: nb YAML in the front-matter. I also use tags to give certain notes certain qualities, like the pinned notes.

It should be fairly possible to present the exact same information in a completely different way.
